Sunday 23 August 2015

Three swallows

6.30 am
The peacefulness of the garden is so awesome it is almost indescribable.
My eyes catch a threesome of swallows darting about in the clear blue morning sky, a sky illuminated by the brilliance of the freshly risen sun.
The depth of the silence only enhances the beauty of the bird songs that resonate all around me.
The swallows.
Flying free.
I suddenly crave that kind of freedom.
To fly free. To have the space to fly in, to have to the freedom to fly where the Spirit leads, to move unhindered.
I hear a voice saying this is the first moment of the rest of your life.
Over the last four years of my ministry as a Salvation Army Officer I've known nothing but chaos.
The kind of chaos only the sad side of religion creates.
Created by people who want to further their careers usually at the expense of the kingdom.
I've lived in a world of control beyond belief. That's my view of Salvation Army officership. And I stress that is my view only.
I woke up one morning and thought enough is enough.
Living in world controlled by others is not what I believe God wants for anyone never mind just me.
I could say so much about this control but I know there are lots of people who know what I am talking about here.
Control stifles the creativeness that could create a very different Army for today.
That's where I found it impossible to flourish as an officer.
And for those who will write to me and say "But you knew what you were getting into?" Yes I did, but I had no idea how bad the control was.
I found myself spiralling downwards a bit like Jonah towards rock bottom.
Just like the whale took Jonah in for a few days, so the Spirit of God has taken me in.
I feel he is ready to spit me out into a new life, a new mission and a new vision of building his kingdom.
Here I am watching three swallows fly free.
And with a glory dropped right from Heaven, I  sense t:his is the first day of the rest of my life.
I'm reminded of that great verse in the message bible that says, "Create a genesis day out of the chaos of my life.
This morning?
I choose to fly free.
The world is my oyster.
I am ready for what God is leading me to.
Whatever that is.
And that freedom to create a fresh church that will advance the kingdom in mind blowing fashion will only come when God is spiritually in control.
Not man.

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